Our Guide to a Happy and Healthy Home

Our Guide to a Happy and Healthy Home

Here at Nimble, we want to make parents’ lives easier by taking the guesswork out of choosing safe and effective cleaning products for your family.

So when we got chatting to some of our friends at the NHS about how we can work together to help parents during these uncertain times, creating a cleaning guide to prevent the further spread of germs in our homes seemed like a no-brainer! We’ve included part of the guide below; let us know what you think!

Did you know that there is a difference between cleaning and hygienic cleaning?

Cleaning means removing visible dirt by vacuum cleaning, damp dusting, or washing with warm water and detergent. It is important to note that cleaning is usually sufficient for surfaces where the risk of spread of germs is low. On the other hand, hygienic cleaning takes it up a level as it involves removing dirt AND getting rid of as many germs as possible, either by removing them or killing them by disinfecting and then drying.

Why is creating a hygienic home so important?

Creating a hygienic home helps prevent infection amongst those you live with. To understand how this works in more detail, let’s talk about the chain of infection.

The chain of infection involves several links that all need to be in place for an infection to spread. So just like maintaining good personal hygiene, hygienically cleaning your home breaks the chain by reducing the spread of germs, going a long way in assuring your family’s safety.

So what surfaces should you be hygienic cleaning?

Frequently touched surfaces where there is both the possibility of contamination and spreading should be regularly cleaned and disinfected.

These include:

  • Taps

  • Toilet handles, toilet seat and lid

  • Tables

  • Highchairs

  • Door handles

  • Kitchen benches

  • Light switches

  • Kitchen cupboard handles, oven and fridge

  • Desks

  • Keyboards, mouse, and phones

  • Everyday items used by babies and children

What should you look out for when buying household cleaning products?

The best way to hygienically clean your home is to remove as many germs as possible and then use a disinfectant to kill any remaining.

Soap and detergent combined with hot water are perfect for the first step. For the second step, the key statements to look out for on cleaning product labels are ‘antibacterial’ and ‘disinfectant’, just like our Sticky Stopper.

Watch our social media channels for the full guide created in partnership with NHS colleagues!

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